Nigerian Military and Other Big men Know Terrorists’ Hideouts, and Know Their Plans, Governor of Kaduna state Nasir said

Nigerian soldiers and other senior men are aware of terrorist attacks, and are aware of their tactics, said Kaduna Governor Nasir. Mr Nasir El-Rufai Governor of Kaduna State, said the Nigerian military and other senior men knew the location of the Fulani gang in the province but refused to detonate their camp. A train in Kaduna was recently attacked by terrorists know as Fulani bandits on Monday evening,
He said,Eight people were killed and 26 others injured. Many passengers were abducted by robbers Governor E-Rufai, who has expressed grief and frustration and grief over the recent train attack, told showbreeznews; “We are smart enough to take action. The Air Force makes adequate ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance and DSS (Department of State Services) with instructors throughout the state. He said, "We know what are planning. We have collected reports. The problem is that agencies have taken STRICT steps. Don’t wait until they attack before you respond, add. The Army must follow their enclaves to eliminate them. He noted, they are classified as Fulani criminals and if you bomb them, you will have problems with human rights organizations and international criminal courts and so on. they could be legally executed without any consequences from international human rights organizations. ” he added He said, we should not expect them to attack, we know their camps, why can't we follow them? ” Showbreez news Your number one priority support, please make sure to share to help us.we love and care for you much
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