Due to the situation in Ukraine, cryptocurrency exchange is giving away $600 in ETH to all users with (NoWar) promo code.❗️Biterys is giving away 600$ of ETHEREUM/bitcoin for free use promo code ( No war ) gain your promo
Watch video here.. https://youtu.be/O2oKmpTJnH4
We have written for you detailed ➡️ instructions❗️ how to get it.
Register here 👉https://biterys.com/signup?ref=452922951
And use NoWar as your promo code
Watch video here 👉https://youtu.be/O2oKmpTJnH4
This advertising campaign is designed for users to send the free cryptocurrency to charities or somehow help people affected by the war. In this way, the company wants to show people how easy it is to do good. They believe that this will encourage a large number of people to donate to charity.
Promo-code is temporary and can be cancelled, so we recommend you to use it as soon as possible and withdraw the bitcoins to your wallet or charity❗️
Then withdraw the cryptocurrency to any charity fund, a personal wallet, exchanger or the same mercurio
You can find the exchangers on https://www.bestchange.com/
Withdraw money without any problems!
Important! Charity action will not work long and the promo code will be cancelled soon! I recommend that you activate it as soon as possible and withdraw the money before the cancellation of the promo code!
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Biterys is giving away 600$ of ETHEREUM/bitcoin for free use promo code ( No war ) gain your promo Watch video here.. https://youtu.be/O2oKmpTJnH4
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