The customer, friends lynch, set fire to a Lagos sex worker by keeping the Quran in her room

The customer, friends lynch, set fire to a Lagos sex worker by keeping the Quran in her room

The State Police, Lagos, has opened a case against three suspects in court for allegedly assaulting a prostitute, Saliu Hannah, killing her and burning her body by keeping the Holy Quran in her room.

According to reports, one of the suspects was guarding Saliu and after having sex with him, he reportedly paid her N1,000 to do the job.

A customer was about to leave his room when he discovered that his N5,000 had been lost.

He reportedly ran after a customer and accused him of stealing his money.

however, the accusation turned into a controversy.

The customer allegedly gathered his friends in Saliu's room to claim the lost money.

While searching for the place, friends reportedly found the Quran under him

Saliu was questioned about having a Quran for his work, adding that a customer and his friends, who were outraged by his discovery, attacked him and beat him up, the source said.

source said. "It happened when salisu was a prostitute and the client followed her to her room and after having sex with her ,the client paid her R1 000 for having sex with her," 

But when the customer left, he stole N5,000 from the prostitute and after finding out that her money had been lost, the prostitute chased after her and demanded money from her.

They were both from the same ethnic group. Therefore, they decided to search his room where he cared for his clients.

While searching the room, they found a holy Quran under her pillow and asked why she was using the Quran as a prostitute.

This made them angry and they began to attack him; they stabbed him, pulled him out and burned him.

“The incident took place in Alaba Rago, where many northerners live. The girl who was killed is also from the North. Their intention was that he should not have ruled the Quran because of the kind of work he was doing. ”

The incident was confirmed by State Police Public Relations, SP Benjamin Hundeyin,

“The case is being investigated by the State Criminal Investigation Department, Yaba, and the three suspects have been charged in court. The incident happened in April, ”he said.

The three suspects were identified as Abubakar Musa, Sarauta Monsur, and Surajo Yusuf.

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